Sunday, April 18, 2010

i've a friend.

She's very silly at times, splurts out things she couldn't say unknowingly, fails math and science all year round and sometimes, humanities too. She speaks loads of rubbish that sometimes, (or rather, most of the time) people should pluck up their courage and ask her to shut up. (well, basically, i'm one of those brave people :>) she could be pretty (pretty?) annoying and when she starts, she never stops. which is. yea, annoying. when she has a bitch feat, for God's sake, leave her alone and don't care even if you see her on the brink of sucidal or she'll bite your head off. She loves JuOn and jumpy as much as a mother loving her child (see the link?) and this is one kind of love that needs to be admired by all ghosts out there ;) She's also a person who thinks that walking from your room to your door takes 10mins and expects a reply even for unnecessary texts. Oh and if you ever had enough of her and decided to shut her up, you can try telling her on the phone to be careful of whats behind her in a spooky tone and i bet 99.123456789% of the time she'll go: 'SHUT UP.' which yknow, obviously meant that she's scared (HAHA SUCKA) you may feel free to hammer/kick/slap/punch/whatever her. But not today. cause' today's her bday.
happy birthday jiaxin :)

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